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Sermon Transcription

Transcribe Your Sermon Audio with a Click

Get automatic sermon transcription with Proclaim and Sermons.


Easy sermon transcription, right in Proclaim

Click to record

Record your sermon and visuals together automatically in Faithlife Proclaim.

Click to transcribe

Simply check a box when you publish from Proclaim or upload to Faithlife Sermons.

Screenshot of Faithlife Giving website embed

Closed captioning

Listeners can read along with your sermon audio in real time.

Screenshot of Faithlife Giving in a Faithlife Church Group

Searchable audio

Find an audio segment by searching words in the sermon transcript.

Screenshot of the Faithlife Giving Portal

Sermon tone analysis

Gauge the tone, emotion, and language of your sermon with automatic tone analysis.

Screenshot of Faithlife Giving mobile app

Start Your Free Trial to Use
Sermon Transcription

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